Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Running from problems>>>

I find it so f*%$*ing hard to breath right now. I wish I could just shrug off everything from my shoulders and walk away. But that would only mean that I'm being oblivious to the fact that I have a problem and I do have a problem. It doesn't help knowing that because in the end all that ends up bringing is more anxiety. I want to so badly be able to fix things but at the moment everything feels like its spiraling out of control. I know all this started from me and I should fix things but somehow running away just seems like the easiest thing to do. Running far away to some place where I don't have to deal with my problems and can just evade having to deal wit them. Damn I wish it didn't sound and feel so much more appealing but it does. It felt great being able to just get away and breath even it was for just a little while. Forget everything, what I have to do daily , my responsibilities, my calling. It did feel good but that didn't mean it went well with my conscious. Somehow when its just yourself theres no problem in screwing up but when it involves a larger picture mainly involving people who are close to you and bear expectations of you it gets a little bit more complicated then that. So what if a bloody conscious is involved? How hard can it be to shrug it off? Very very very hard as Ive come to find out lately period. I shouldn't complain, Ive a pretty damn good life. As someone told me recently "you get paid to study " put simply that does kind off put it in perspective. Still doesn't make it any easier. I have to get my gig right and make it pronto else I risk getting sucked into a whole load of deeper shit. And that is goin to be an even bigger PROBLEM.

Theodore Rubin:
The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem.

John F. Kennedy
Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.