Saturday, November 7, 2009

Moi say the sequel

~No river can return to its source, yet all rivers must have a beginning.~

Ive been thinking about new beginnings for a while now and some how all that thinking coupled with my boredom and lots of ample time brought about this. A new blog...Aaaaa newww blogggg...I'm just repeating it cause Id like it to sink in for a while. Sink deep into my blood vessels, swish around there for a while, flow into my sells suspended in a abyss , disintegrate in particles of information that get picked up by the nervous system , which travels to the brain and seeps into it and settle there for a while amidst pink ooze ....OkEy...I'm done.

"Why do I need a new blog?" Well I don't know, nothing was wrong with my old one. In fact truth be told I actually liked the familiarity around there which I've grown accustomed to but Id like something new. Sometimes a little change is nice and I find that hard to say and even harder to consider doing considering I detest change.But Ive pretty much figured that for now I need somewhere to vent..a little more, form opinions..a little more, to rebel.. a whole little more ohhhhh and yes *ditch talk and literally dry some disliked peoples dirty linen out in the open..`This I just might do plenty` but that's just an added optional advantage.

So if I'm right then I suppose this is supposed to be a new beginning. Another new one, nothing all that new about it but still somehow new, I like this one. Don't really know why and oddly enough couldn't really care less to find out why now. At the moment I'm lost in thought and Id like to stay awhile that way; lost adrift in a wide open ocean of thought with no shore or bank. That is until I manifest some words which gather and string up into sentences to describe those thoughts.Then I'll have something to write about ; for next time, and somehow I'm thinking that ain't gonna take long.

~ Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. ~ Seneca